Scars, Real Beauty Marks

Scars, the ultimate beauty mark.  Thats right; even in our fashion forward world, scars are a wonderful sign.  How so?

Scabbed over scars are a sign of healing in wounds.  Open weeping wounds allow infections and will continue to putrefy, encouraging infection.  Scars can also be a true sign of heroism, as in a wounded soldier, or first responder; those who have paid a high price for you. They can also be a sign of love, like the scars on my Savior’s hands.

Pretty paint hides wounds

Covering hurts with big smiles

True healing shows scars

31 thoughts on “Scars, Real Beauty Marks

  1. hypercryptical says:

    i like the hope in your words Frank, although would suggest mental scars take a longer time to heal…
    Anna :o]

  2. jerennazuto says:

    Scars are indeed beautiful, they show us what a person fought for and how far they went for it. Thank you so much for reminding us, haiku is beautiful as well!

  3. nosaintaugustine says:

    I love this “Pretty paint hides wounds, covering hurts with big smiles.” It makes me realize we do each other a great service when we allow our flaws to be seen. Great insight, thank you.

  4. lillian says:

    Well done. I think also of the scar I still bear on my knee….and my mother’s gentle touch and reassurance to the small girl I was when I fell.

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